Thursday, September 5, 2013

Matt Druge: It's Authoritarian vs. Libertarian, not Democrats vs. Republicans

This is the real divide in politics. Those who want to control your life and rule over you, and those who don't. The typical left vs. right, republican vs. democrat, etc. is just Authoritarian A vs. Authoritarian B. It's a distraction that enables authoritarianism.
Because they are caught up in the authoritarian A vs. B game, and because they are authoritarians (whether they realize it or not).

Authoritarianism is simply disgusting. People that espouse it and defend it are everywhere right now and it's not completely fair to be angry with them about it, because it's really all they know. Just like we typically 'forgive' famous past figures such as Jefferson or Lincoln for their views on slavery and race, the same could be said for many people today. However, there are many who don't have this excuse: they understand libertarianism but continue to advocate authoritarianism. Their philosophy is much worse than racism, one of the most discussed taboos in America. I look forward to the day when authoritarians are shunned as much as - and more than - racists.


  1. Yeah, I'm sure that EVERYBODY will want to be a libertarian now that Matt Drudge is on the team. A quick glance at The Drudge Report on any given day makes it clear to all that he is a deeply committed anarchist fighting to oppose authoritarianism in any and every form.

    Those who insist that he's a "conservative muckraker" and "a right-wing hack" who was "part of the Bush/Cheney noise machine" surely have no evidence to back up their claims. Including, of course, Drudge's own statements that he is a conservative who has voted Republican.

    Wikipedia defines "authoritarianism" as a form of government, as well as a personality and social trait, that is characterized by absolute or blind obedience to authority, opposition to individual freedom, and a demand for unquestioning obedience. If that's what you're talking about, why don't you point out all these disgusting Americans who are advocating for it? And while you're at it, why don't you point out a few good, anti-authoritarian anarchist Americans you think are deserving of respect?

    1. This post isn't an endorsement of Matt Drudge, it's endorsement of something(s) he said on Twitter.

      Authoritarianism seems to be a pretty good word for what I'm talking about: Those who want to control your life and rule over you, via the state. This applies to nearly all Americans, as they all want to rule over you in one way or another, by having the state regulate, prohibit, mandate, licence, tax, subsidize, etc. us and our property. Any civilized society would hold these acts of violence among the worst of taboos.

  2. "Any civilized society would hold these acts of violence among the worst of taboos."

    Then clearly there have been no successful civilized societies in the entire history of human existence. Nor are there likely to be any in the future, especially if people who claim to love and desire liberty ally themselves in any way with conservative douchebags like Matt Drudge, Rand Paul, Ron Paul, etc.

    1. So if you agree with even one thing someone says, you "allied" with them?

    2. It might, if you decide that agreeing with them about even one thing warrants promoting them publicly, like on your blog.
