His point is valid, though I think a better historical comparison would be the abolition of chattel slavery- a long standing institution that, over a period of time, was undermined and entirely abolished through a lengthy education process that eventually enlightened the whole population.
If you want to see Obamacare gone- as well as a host of other burdensome government interventions and programs, from Social Security to the minimum wage, or perhaps militarism or the drug war, or all of it- it's not going to come by petitioning Congress or getting the right politicians or party elected. (Should Republicans actually repeal it- which I don't believe they ever will, they will replace it with something similarly bad.) It's going to come by changing the minds of the people. And it's never to late to do that. Rest assured we're going to get rid of Obamacare, Medicare, Social Security, and the rest of the drags on society, and sooner the more people focus their efforts toward proper education of the masses.
Totally off topic. Found your blog via your old Gather profile (Sophie S or morenita on there), we used to talk space/NASA/rockets. I know you are somewhere near the Space Coast, but I am headed down for a NASA social to see the SpaceX launch and thought it would be cool to meet up afterwards. There will be a whole big group of other SpaceTweeps meeting up to watch (officially and unofficially) and get together after. Find me on Twitter @Chitownchica